My Work has just Begun

Since my last update to you, National, ACT, and NZ First have formed a coalition Government. It is my absolute honour and privilege to have been sworn into the Executive Council as Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety. I will work diligently and do my best as a Cabinet Minister to deliver for the Government and all people of New Zealand.

I will be spending these next few weeks responsible for actioning some of the first priorities of this Government’s 100-day plan: repealing the so-called Fair Pay Agreement legislation by Christmas and introducing legislation to extend 90 day trials to all businesses. Both changes will help both employers and employees. We have a plan, and we will be a Government of action.

However, I promise to continue being your local MP for Tāmaki active in the community. Since the election, I have held constituent clinics to help locals, attended the Glendowie College and Selwyn College senior prize-givings, and met with the Residents Associations of St Heliers and Glendowie, Mission Bay and Kohimarama and Ōrākei, and attended the Stonefield’s Christmas Market. Thank you for the warm welcome in the community.

This Friday, I am hosting my first community event as the MP for Tāmaki. All are welcome to join to hear about the work of the Auckland City Mission. I will hold more events like this, for the community, in the new year.

My work has just begun. By Christmas, I hope to be able to announce the location of my office in Tāmaki to you. Until then, thank you once again for your on-going support.


Brooke van Velden
ACT Deputy Leader | MP for Tāmaki