Public Meeting | Remuera


September 18, 2023 at 7:00pm - 8pm


College Rifles Rugby Club
33 Haast St
Auckland 1050
New Zealand
Google map and directions

I am hosting a public meeting in Remuera at the College Rifles Rugby Club, to meet you and hear your concerns. I will speak about what's on my mind, and what I've heard by listening to your neighbours out door-knocking and at street corner meetings, but the purpose is really to hear what's on your mind.
This part of Auckland is a paradise but like all places, it faces its challenges. You live here, and what happens affects you. I want to hear what you think.
At this meeting we'll discuss and debate recent developments in Parliament and local transport, infrastructure and public safety concerns, among other issues that come up on the night.
I hope to hear your voice there.

Will you come?